download here
you can use it as a simple heading too (no URL defined)
view the code of this page, to see how it's used. the reqiured
parameters are:
- w_char : width of a character sprite
- h_char : height of a character sprite
- n_lines : number of menu items. for each of them
you must define the following 2 parameters
- n_charsN : number of the characters in the N-th
- imgN : the URL of the file, containing the graphics
for the N-th item. it should:
- be an GIF-file
- have 1bit color with black for transparent and white
for the characters
- have a width equal to w_char * n_charsN
- have a height equal to h_char
optional parameters:
- urlN : the URL to be opened, when to N-th element
is clicked
- tcol : color of the text as a RGB-integer (without
the "#" in front), like "00FF00" for green
- htcol : color of the text in hoover state (roll
- hccol : color of the character in hoover state
- h_gap : horizontal distance between the letters
- bgcol : background color
- target : name of the target frame for all links
by adam